Your Mouth, Saliva and its Vital Role – dry mouth

When you think of your overall health, most people don’t immediately think of their Mouth and Saliva as part of that equation.

However, your mouth is the beginning of your digestive system and the entry for “putting fuel in the machine”; the even lesser though of saliva also plays a vital part when thinking head – to – toe of staying healthy.

The enzyme in your saliva – (Amylase) helps the digestive process. Chewing mechanically breaks down food into smaller pieces, but, it must be broken down further into smaller components that your body can process and use for fuel, this is where saliva comes into play. Salivary Amylase begins the break down of starches in food to start the digestion process even before it reaches your stomach. Therefore it is extremely vital that your mouth is healthy and considered considered in part of your overall health. Something as simple as dry mouth can have a profound effect as you will see below.

Dry Mouth

If you experience dry mouth it may mean that food is not being digested properly for use by your body and food particles will not be washed away from oral and teeth surfaces. Food remaining on teeth, tongue and gums promotes a favorable environment for bacteria that can lead to cavities, gum disease, bad breath, infections and other health issues. Dry mouth is more prevalent in the aging population.

Examples of factors and habits that have been known to cause the decrease of saliva (aka – Dry Mouth, Xerostomia) include:

  • Medications
  • Certain Supplements
  • Appetite Suppressants
  • Smoking
  • Dehydration
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Diseases & treatments of (ex… Parkinsons, Diabetes, HIV/Aids, Cancer)
  • Sleeping and breathing with mouth open

In most cases you can relieve the lack of saliva by keeping yourself hydrated, avoiding alcohol/spicy foods/sugary drinks, limiting salt intake, avoiding caffeine and tobacco products. Other alternatives that may help include, using a humidifier when you sleep, chewing sugarless gum (Xylitol containing), sipping non-carbonated and sugar free drinks, breathe through your nose, use of saliva stimulating medications, OTC saliva supplements and rinses.

If you want to keep your self healthy – don’t forget your mouth is an extremely important part of you!!

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