Disability Access



All web pages on this site have been designed to be accessible to people with disabilities, the site uses a reactive media design format that should enable users with disabilities to access the information contained on this site in conjunction with their corresponding readers, devices or computer programs.  All pages are written in text format, images have been embedded with alternate text descriptions to allow for text readers to be used, all PDF downloadable forms are currently being converted to contain a plain text version that can be used instead and the site contains no audio media. The make an appointment online section is monitored and responded to during normal business hours and yields the same results as contacting the office.

If further assistance is required in obtaining information contained on this site, completing any forms or something is inaccessible, please contact us directly. We will be more than happy to offer auxiliary aids to all functions and information on this site such as : the reading of information contained, assisting in completing forms for you or correcting the inaccessibility to ensure effective communication. 

We are committed to continuously improving access to our goods and services to individuals with disabilities. If you are unable to use any aspect of this website because of a disability, please call (201) 358-5005 or email us at OldHookDental@gmail.com so we can provide you with personalized assistance. Further, by clicking the following link it will take you to the ADA accessibility section which includes a few recommendations to help make your browsing experience more accessible.